If you present with a watery eye we may need to syringe your tear duct. The aim is to find out whether or not you have a blockage in the tear system.  The syringing is performed using a blunt cannula  (see below)that is introduced into you tear duct and saline is injected into the tear system.


The aim firstly, is to see whether the cannula can be passed easily along the first part of the tear system (the cannaliculus) and secondly whether the saline will pass down the naso-lacrimal duct into you throat.



You will normally be able to taste some saltiness at the back of your throat.



Not all watery eyes are secondary to a blocked tear duct and in some cases the naso-lacrimal duct may be patent (i.e. saline can reach your throat) but may be narrowed or stenosed.  Occasionally further imaging tests are used to identify a stenosed naso-lacrimal duct known as lacrimal scintillography.

If a blockage is identified you may require a DCR procedure.  Mr Norris will discuss with you at the time of review the best treatment for your particular problem.