- E Oustabassidis, N Murphy, H Turner, JH Norris. Puzzling Late Relapse of Thyroid Eye Disease: A Case Series. Accepted for publication in JCEM Case Reports February 2025.
- R Turner, H Owen-Smith, JH Norris, P Rosen, M Heathman, B Edwards. Managing an outreach eye service…8000 miles away. Eye News. 31(3): 26-28.
- E Oustabassidis, S Keren, J David, JH Norris. Dacryoadenitis associated with linear scleroderma en coup de sabre: A case report and review of literature. Skin Health Dis. 2024 Apr 22;4(4):e391.
- S Keren, M Lapira, E McCallum, Z Sipkova, A Qureshi, S Wilson, JH Norris, and G Hildebrand. Paediatric Orbital Lymphoma; A Case Series and Review of the Literature. Eye (Lond). 2023 Apr;37(5):1002-1008.
- S Keren, V Sinclair, E McCallum, P Martinez-Devesa, JH Norris. Silent sinus syndrome; potentially misleading features that should be recognised. Can J Ophthalmol. 2023 Apr;58(2):113-117.
- E Leather-Smith, JH Norris, GD Hildebrand, L Dalton. Investigating the presence of a negative selection bias towards ptosis in young children. Journal of the American Association of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. 2021 Jun;25(3):143.e1-143.e5.
- A Klassen, C Rae, L Gallo, JH Norris, D Johnson, K Bogart, N Van Laeken, H Baltzer, KWY Wong, S Cano, AL Pusic. Psychometric Validation of the FACE-Q Craniofacial Module for Facial Nerve Palsy. Facial Plast Surg Aesthet Med. 2022 Jan-Feb;24(1):1-7.
- Z Sipkova, JH Norris. Unilateral miosis secondary to ocular exposure to vapor rub ointment. Am J Ther. 2020 Dec 26;29(1):e160-e162.
- N Shivakumar, R Rajagopal, JH Norris, Pablo Martinez-Devesa. Non-Traumatic Carotid Artery Dissection Following an Episode of Orbital Cellulitis: A Case Report. Cureus. 2020 Oct 26;12(10):e11175.
- M Hotton, E Huggons, C Hamlet, K Bogart, D Johnson, JH Norris, S Kilcoyne, L Dalton. A systematic review of the psychosocial adjustment of children and adolescents with facial palsy: the impact of Moebius syndrome. Int J Environ Res Public Health. 2020 Jul 30;17(15):5528..
- S Keren, GD Hildebrand, S Wilson, E McCallum, JH Norris. The Management of Periorbital Nodular Fasciitis using Intralesional Triamcinolone: A Case Report and Review of the Literature. Orbit Jul 2020;9:1-5.
- M Hotton, C Hamlet, S Kilcoyne, D Johnson, JH Norris, E Huggons, D Shore, L Dalton. The Psychosocial Impact of Facial Palsy: A Systematic Review. British Journal of Health Psychology 2020 Sep;25(3):695-727.
- JC Bladen, I Mombaerts, H Kakizaki, A McNab, JH Norris, D Verity, DD DeAngelis, S Ataullah, A McCormick, B Parkin, B Patel, S Morley, GE Rose, R Malhotra. Diplopia following the insertion of a canalicular bypass tube: aetiology, risk factors, management and outcomes. Accepted by Ophthalmic Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, April 2020.
- E McCallum, S Keren, M Lapira, JH Norris. Orbital Compartment Syndrome: An Update With Review Of The Literature. Clin Ophthalmol. 2019 Nov 7;13:2189-2194.
- A Ashman, JH Norris, K Chaidas. Tension pneumo-orbit secondary to minor blunt force trauma. Eur Ann Otorhinolaryngol Head Neck Dis. 2020 May;137(3):219-221.
- EA Insull, Z Sipkova, J David, HE Turner, JH Norris. Early Low Dose Rituximab for Active Thyroid Eye Disease: An Effective and Well Tolerated Treatment. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2019 Mar 13. doi: 10.1111/cen.13970. [Epub ahead of print]
- M Hotton, S Kilcoyne, C Holden, L Dalton, JH Norris, D Johnson. Addressing the physical and psychosocial needs of young people with facial palsy: facilitation of a single session group intervention. J Plast Reconstr Aesthet Surg. 2019 Jul;72(7):1219-1243.
- JH Norris, NM Longmire, S Kilcoyne, D Johnson, R Fitzpatrick, AF Klassen. Exploring Patient Experience of Facial Nerve Palsy to Inform the Development of a Patient-Reported Outcome Measure: A Qualitative Study. Plast Reconstr Surg Glob Open 2019 Jan 9;7(1):e2072.
- E McCallum, S Keren, F Sheerin, JH Norris. Primary Extracranial Meningioma of the Lacrimal Sac Fossa. Letter to the Editor. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg. 2019 Mar/Apr;35(2):203-204.
- V Joganathan, JH Norris. Periocular manifestations of Afatinib therapy. Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg. 2019 Jan/Feb;35(1):e12-e13.
- V Joganathan, B Patel, R Malhotra, JH Norris. The Kissing Puncta: An Under-reported and Stubborn Cause of Epiphora. Eye (Lond). 2019 Mar;33(3):505-508.
- Z Sipkova, EA Insull, J David, HE Turner, S Keren, JH Norris. Early use of steroid-sparing agents in the inactivation of moderate-to-severe active thyroid eye disease; a step-down approach. Clin Endocrinol (Oxf). 2018 Dec;89(6):834-839.
- V Joganathan, P Terry, SA Wall, JH Norris. The Non-Surgical Management of Orbital Dystopia Using Refractive Lenses and Prosthetic Shells. J Craniofac Surg. 2018 Sep;29(6):1648-1650.
- J Doyle,Y Yang, JH Norris, SA Aslam. A Quality of Life Survey in Patients with Long-Term Silicone Oil or Phthisis Bulbi. Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol. 2018 May;256(5):879-884.
- L Pratt, EA Insull, F Sheerin, JH Norris. Planning an extra-ocular muscle biopsy: a note of caution. E-letter to the Br J Ophth, March 2018. [online].
- CM Stewart, JH Norris. Reconstruction of extensive medial canthal defects using a single V-Y, island pedicle flap. Orbit 2018 Jan 15:1-4.
- EA Insull, JH Norris. The ‘Reading Man Flap’ for Reconstruction of Large Periorbital Defects. Orbit 2018 Jan 15:1-3.
- Longmire NM, Wong Riff KWY, O’Hara JL, et al. Development of a New Module of the FACE-Q for Children and Young Adults with Diverse Conditions Associated with Visible and/or Functional Facial Differences. Facial Plast Surg 2017;33(5): 499-508.
- Stewart CM, Z Sipkova, D Hildebrand, JH Norris. Acute Sickle Cell Orbitopathy Masquerading as Orbital Cellulitis. J Pediatr Hematol Oncol 2018 Jan;40(1):79-80.
- G Reynolds, JH Norris, S Aslam, S Sharma. IgG4-related disease presenting as posterior scleritis and vitritis, progressing to multifocal orbital involvement. BMJ Case Reports Apr;2017 pii: bcr-2017-219568.
- M Wasik, CM Stewart, JH Norris. Scuba diving as a cause of Horner’s syndrome. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2017 doi: 10.1111/ceo.12931 [Epub ahead of print] .
- LT Tan, CM Stewart, JH Norris. Ectopic Orbital Meningioma: Fact or Fiction? Orbit 2017;36(3):144-146.
- CM Stewart, JH Norris. Bronchial Artery Aneurysm – A Rare, Undescribed Cause of Horner’s Syndrome. Accepted by Clin Experiment Ophthalmology 2017;45(3):315-316.
- M Mota, JH Norris. Review on surgical management of ptosis and the use of phenylephrine: A national survey of British Oculoplastic Surgery Society (BOPSS) UK Consultants. Orbit 2016;35(6):339-342.
- CM Stewart, LT Tan, D Johnson, JH Norris. Perspectives: Key Issues when reconstructing extensive upper eyelid defects with description of a dynamic, frontalis turnover flap. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg 2016;32(4):249-51.
- CM Stewart, B Macdonald, A Schuh, JH Norris. Bilateral Acute Orbital Compartment Syndrome Secondary to Richter Syndrome: The ‘Tulip’ Sign. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol 2016;44(8):722-724.
- Tan LT, Prendergast B, Norris JH. Management of Antiplatelets and Anticoagulation in Elective Ophthalmic Surgery. Eye News April 2016.
- Malhotra R, Norris JH, Suresh Sagili, Al-Abbadi Z, Avisar I. The Learning Curve in Endoscopic Dacryocystorhinostomy; Outcomes in surgery performed by trainee oculoplastic surgeons. Orbit 2015;34(6):314-9
- S Nagendran, AS Litwin, M Sira, JH Norris, B Dheansa, R Malhotra. Management of facial and periocular dog bites: a review of 104 cases. European Journal of Plastic Surgery 2014;37(11):595-598.
- CA Kiire, R Mukherjee, N Ruparelia, D Keeling, B Prendergast, JH Norris. Authors’ Response. British Journal of Ophthalmology 2014 Aug; 98(8):1136-7.
- CA Kiire, R Mukherjee, N Ruparelia, D Keeling, B Prendergast, JH Norris. Managing Antiplatelet and Anticoagulant Drugs in Patients Undergoing Elective Ophthalmic Surgery. British Journal of Ophthalmology 2014 Oct;98(10):1320-4.
- M Siro, JH Norris, R Malhotra. Medial canthal tendon plication; the suture sling approach. Orbit 2014 Jun;33(3):159-63.
- FE Mellington, AS Bacon, MA Abu-Bakra, P Martinez-Devesa, JH Norris. Orbital compressed air and petroleum injury mimicking necrotizing fasciitis. Journal of Emergency Medicine 2014 Sep;47(3):e69-72.
- K Xue, FE Mellington, JH Norris. Meta-analysis of the adjunctive use of mitomycin C in primary and revision, external and endonasal dacryocystorhinostomy. Orbit 2014; 33(4): 239-244
- Zamora-Alejo K, Moore S, Leatherbarrow B, Norris JH, Lake DB, Malhotra R, Selva D, Goggin M. Optimal Hyaluronidase Dosage: response. Clinical Experimental Ophthalmology 2014 Apr;42(3):300.
- M Groppe, ID Botterill, JH Norris. Varicella as a rare cause of severe orbital cellulitis. Journal of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus 2013; 50: E49-E51.
- R Nicholson, JH Norris. Pilomatrixoma of the Eyebrow: An unexpected finding. Eye News
- G Kalantzis, JH Norris, N El-Hindy, A Koukkoulli, P Chengot, BP Chang. Oncocytic adenocarcinoma of the lacrimal gland: an unusual presentation. Eye (Lond) 2013 Jan;27(1):104-5.
- Q Kwong, S Morley, R Malhotra, JH Norris. Use of Dermal filler to improve exposure keratopathy in a patient with Restrictive Dermopathy. Orbit 2013 Feb;32(1):70-2..
- Sibley D, Norris JH, Malhotra R. Management and Outcomes of Patients with Epiphora Referred to a Tertiary referral Oculoplastic Unit. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol 2013 Apr;41(3):231-8.
- FE Mellington, J David, JH Norris. Immunomodulators in Thyroid Eye disease: An update. Ophthalmology International Autumn 2012.
- RGH Nicholson, GPL Thomas, MJ Potter, JH Norris. London 2012: Prescribing for athletes in Ophthalmology. Eye (Lond) 2012 Aug;26(8):1036-8.
- K Zamora, JH Norris, R Malhotra, D Lake, D Selva, B Leatherbarrow, M Goggin. Hyaluronidase toxicity: a cause of post-operative periorbital inflammation. Clin Experiment Ophthalmol 2013 Mar;41(2):122-6.
- S Dinghra, D Lake, JH Norris. The use of the oblique mirror in subtarsal examination for patients with non-evertable eyelids. Eye (Lond) 2012 Oct;26(10):1386-8.
- JH Norris, D Carpenter, N Al Raqqad, C Liu, S Daya, R Malhotra. Indications for orbital decompression for patients undergoing keratoprosthesis surgery. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg 2012 Sep;28(5):346-9.
- JH Norris. Intralesional triamcinolone acetonide injection versus incision and curettage for primary chalazia: a prospective, randomized study (author response). Am J Ophthalmol 2012 May;153(5):1005-6; author reply 1006-7.
- I Avisar, JH Norris, R Malhotra. Upper-eyelid wick syndrome: association of upper-eyelid dermatochalasis and tearing. Arch Ophthalmol 2012 Aug 1;130(8):1007-12.
- P O’Reilly, JJ Ross, JH Norris, R Malhotra. A comparison of facial muscle squeezing versus non-facial muscle squeezing on the efficacy of botulinum toxin-A injections for the treatment of facial dystonia. Orbit 2012 Dec;31(6):400-3.
- JH Norris, JJ Ross, V Patel, M Kazim, D Selva, R Malhotra. Effect of orbital decompression surgery on intraocular pressure and refraction. Eye (Lond) 2012 Apr;26(4):535-43.
- J Bladen, JH Norris, R Malhotra. Cosmetic comparison of gold weight and platinum chain insertion in primary upper eyelid loading for lagophthalmos. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg 2012 May;28(3):171-5.
- M Sira, JH Norris, R Malhotra. Comment on article: Supratrochlear artery island paramedian forehead flap for reconstructing the exenterated patient. Orbit. 2011 Jun;30(3):154-7. Orbit 2012 Oct;31(5):376.
- R Malhotra, C Yau, JH Norris. Outcomes of lower eyelid cicatricial entropion with grey-line split, retractor recession, lateral-horn lysis and anterior lamella repositioning. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg 2012 Mar;28(2):134-9.
- JH Norris, PG McCulloch. Author reply to Spiteri Cornish K, Reddy AR. The use of propranolol in the management of periocular capillary haemangioma-a systematic review. Eye (Lond) 2012 Sep;26(9):1275-6; author reply 1276.
- A Hom-Choudhury, A Koukkoulli, JH Norris, B Mokete, OC Backhouse. A Hairy Affair: Tarantula Setae-Induced Panuveitis Requiring Pars Plana Vitrectomy. Int Ophthalmol 2012 Apr;32(2):161-3.
- J Bladen, JH Norris, R Malhotra. Indications for and outcomes following revision of gold weight implants for upper eyelid loading. British Journal of Ophthalmology 2012 Apr;96(4):485-9.
- JH Norris, J Ross, P O’Reilly, R Malhotra. A review of combined orbital decompression and lower eyelid recession surgery for lower eyelid retraction in thyroid orbitopathy. British Journal of Ophthalmology 2011;95(12):1664-9.
- JH Norris, R Malhotra. Surgical technique: Re-visiting the open sky approach to brow suspension surgery. European Journal of Plastic Surgery DOI: 10.1007/s00238-011-0629-3.
- Avisar I, Norris JH, Quinn S, Allan D, McCalla M, Dugdale D, Parulekar M, Malhotra R. Temporary cosmetic painted prostheses in anophthalmic surgery; an alternative to early postoperative clear conformers? Eye (Lond) 2011 Nov;25(11):1418-22.
- JH Norris, J Akinwumni, JS Norris, R Malhotra. Optic Canal Decompression With Dural Sheath Release; A Combined Orbito-Cranial Approach To Preserving Sight From Tumours Invading The Optic Canal. Orbit 2012 Feb;31(1):34-43.
- JH Norris, R Malhotra. Composite septo-retractor recession; a surgical technique for lower-eyelid retraction and review of the literature. Ophthal Plast Reconstr Surg 2011;27(6):447-52.
- DS Spokes, JH Norris, JL Ball. Intraocular lens power modification for implantation in the ciliary sulcus. Author reply. J Cataract Refract Surg 2011;37:799-800.
- JH Norris, R Malhotra. Hering’s Law; Physiology in front of our eyes. British Medical Journal 2011;342:doi:10.1136/bmj.d55.
- JH Norris, DM Spokes, JL Ball. Modification of a draping technique for topical anaesthesia cataract surgery. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology 2011;39(3):274-5.
- DS Spokes, JH Norris, JL Ball. Refinement of lens power selection for sulcus placement of intraocular lens (IOL). J Cataract Refract Surg 2010;36(8):1436-7.
- JH Norris, Z Carrim, AJ Morrell. Spiderman’s Eye. The Lancet 2010;375(9708):92.
- JH Norris, RP Gale, H Nkumbe, OC Backhouse, P Bernadin, BY Chang. A review of oculoplastic conditions and surgical practice in the developing world; A Madagascan experience. Community Eye Health Journal 2009;22(70):s03-s04.
- JH Norris, OC Backhouse. The Congenital Pinhole; A Persistent Pupillary Membrane. Clinical and Experimental Optometry 2010;93(2):100-1.
- JH Norris, R Pilling, J Hoole. An Audit of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists Strabismic Amblyopia Treatment Protocol: A Departmental Review and Suggestions for Change. Strabismus 17(2):78-81.2009.
- JH Norris, R Pilling, B Matthews, IG Simmons. The use of the VisanteTM non-contact anterior segment optical coherent tomography (OCT), in the monitoring and imaging of corneal crystals in cystinosis. Journal of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus 2009;46(2):128.
- JH Norris, S Mall, CAM Burnett. Floppy Iris Syndrome Hull Hooks (F.I.S.H Hooks): A New Method for Managing IFIS in Trabeculectomy Surgery. Eye (Lond). 2009;23(3):743-4.
- A Bastawrous, JH Norris, RP Gale. Are We Really Helping? BMJ Career Focus. 2006;332:18–19.
- C Collins, A Agrawal, JH Norris, BA Noble. An ophthalmic case of Ig A positive pemphigoid disease in a patient associated rheumatoid arthritis. Eye News. Dec 2006.
- J Buchan, JH Norris, H Cuper. The Accuracy of Referencing in Ophthalmic Literature. American Journal of Ophthalmology. 2005;140(6):1146-8.
- JH Norris, OC Backhouse. Blindness in Madagascar. Madagascar, The Hilary Bradt Guide, Eighth edition 2005, Bradt.
- JH Norris, OC Backhouse. Madagascar – The Incidence of Solar Maculopathy Post-Eclipse. Journal of Community Eye Health. 2002;15(42):25-6.
- JH Norris, J Leeds, RF Jeffrey. P-ANCA Positive Renal Vasculitis in Association with Renal Cell Carcinoma and Prolonged Hydralazine Therapy. Renal Failure. 2003;25(2):311-4.
- JH Norris, KA Wight. An Elective Experience in Madagascar; A Longer Journey Than Expected. Yorkshire Medicine. 2001;13(2).