Many different types of lesions can occur on the eyelid. For the most part these are benign however some lesions do need treatment more urgently.   Any lesion that you have will be examined clinically and discussed with you.

We will remove lesions for a number of reasons:

  • To gain a diagnosis histologically.
  • To improve symptoms such as irritation, discomfort or reduction in vision.
  • To improve the appearance of the eyelid.

The mainstay of treatment for most eyelid lesions is minor surgery. A biopsy of the eyelid will remove the lesion.  In most cases we will send the biopsy for review by a histologist. This allows us to determine whether the eyelid will need any further treatment.

We normally perform your surgery under local anaesthetic which is given in the operating room or in the clinic treatment room.  Occasionally we can give sedation at the same time if you are uncomfortable about having a local anaesthetic on its own.

The surgery usually involves making a small incision on the surface of the eyelid. In many cases no stitches are required and the wound will heal of its own accord.

The risks of surgery include postoperative bleeding, scarring to the eyelids and infection. If the lesion is in close proximity to the eyelid margin in some cases the eyelashes may not grow back.

Some lesions are found near the tear duct which can result in a watery eye. Care is taken to avoid this and Mr Norris will fully explain any risk of this prior to surgery being performed.

In most cases the eyelid biopsy will be performed in the outpatient treatment room at your allotted appointment time.

This type of surgery is usually performed as a minor operative procedure and we normally allow you to go home 5-10 minutes after you surgery is finished.

The eyelids may be bruised after surgery and you may have some blood stained tears which is quite normal initially. An appointment will be made for you after the procedure to check the eyelid as healed well and to discuss the results of the histology.

Normally we ask that you keep the wounds around your eye clean after surgery. You can clean the wound by allowing boiled water to cool and gently dabbing the wounds with a cotton bud

We will give you some antibiotic ointment (usually Chloramphenicol) to apply to the wounds and to the eyes after the surgery to help protect against infection and to help lubricate the eyes for two weeks. You should avoid swimming for three weeks after surgery.

Usually patients are quite anxious after having surgery near their eyes and most problems do settle with time. Problems that require immediate attention are the onset of new double vision, loss of vision and pain that cannot be controlled with regular painkillers.

Please refer to the emergency contact page (under the header ‘Contact’) if you need advice.


Author: Mr Jonathan Norris FRCOphth